
Jazzfest: The Roots @ Confederation Park

By Shawn Katuwapitiya It was the perfect evening for a night of hip-hop/jazz/funk/neo-soul/Guns N’ Roses covers and everything in between

Ottawa Explosion: Day 2 — June 18

Day two of Ottawa Explosion got off to a rocky start thanks to the fact that it was raining sideways,

Ottawa Explosion: Day 1 — June 17

It has finally arrived! Yes, Ottawa Explosion Weekend officially began yesterday, June 17th, at Club SAW and Mugshots. Sailor Jupiter

Festival Preview: Glowfair 2015, June 19 & 20

The second annual Glowfair will take place June 19th and 20th across 10 city blocks on Bank Street from Slater to

hot dreams, timber timbre, ottawa, jazz festival

Interview: Taylor Kirk of Timber Timbre

Expect boom-bap and a banger of a solstice this Sunday, the 21st of June. The longest day of the year is a

Festival Preview: Ottawa Explosion Weekend June 17—22

It is June 15 which means there are only 2 days left in the punk rock advent calendar leading up

Interview: Dublin’s Alarmist on their Maiden Canadian Voyage

In December—stay with me—a Montreal label called Poulet Neige hosted their annual La Liste de Noël that allowed subscribers to pick

Un Rendez-Vous: le 40e Festival Franco-Ontarien & les 400 ans de la francophonie en Ontario

La culture franco-ontarienne date de 400 ans, depuis que Sam de Champlain ne poignait plus de signal sur son astrolabe

Interview: Stanley Clarke, the Legendary Liberator of the Bass

In the midst of summer festival announcements, some fans see just one name of a travelling musician and decide they’ll attend

The 21st Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival Program

Chamber music is by definition music for a small group of instruments. Small groups mean small venues: chambers. The genre