Gavin Dyke & William Armstrong of Black Dogs played their double EP release show at Raw Sugar on Saturday, April
Last year, A Tribe Called Red put out one of 2013’s best electronic album Nation 2 Nation which has since
My body aches. My shoulder feels like it was bent all the way back in the wrong direction. There are
One of Ottawa’s foremost bluesy rock n’ roll groups, StillNative (CastleRock Recs), are doing things a little differently for their
Mosely – “With Pencils in Hand” Released – January, 2013 At the beginning of last year, the Ottawa based
Gabba Hey! was so full last Saturday night that I couldn’t see through to the back. The lack of visibility
On Monday March, 31st, Ottawa’s Grime Kings dropped Honeymooning on us all.
One of the greatest weekends in Ottawa just got even better! Ottawa Explosion Weekend (June 12-15) just announced another round
It’s not every night you can get kicked in the face, get a bloody lip, and love every minute of
Ottawa’s own A Tribe Called Red just seem to keep getting more and more recognition for their groundbreaking music. On