Local Music

twist, band, toronto

Twist, So Young, & Trails @ Pressed

On Friday evening, three bands performed in front of the pair of welcoming café windows at Pressed for a fittingly full

Buck n’ Nice Close Killer Hip Hop Showcase at Zaphod’s

“You guys thought it was going to be exciting and it’s fucking depressing AGAIN!” Sawbuck looks into the crowd with

Malak to Debut Her Circus on January 16

Malak is set to release her debut EP Circus Saturday night January 16 at LIVE! on Elgin. Malak may not

Prevenge’s Ottawa Send Off with Dig It Up, Panic Attack and Dead Weights at Funeral Home

Featured Image by Darryl Andrew Reid Bob Barker encouraged us to neuter our pets, Nardwuar has his doot doola doot doo and

Ladies First! RockSteady Bookings’ 4th anniversary

The second annual Ladies First! will take place at LIVE on Elgin Saturday night January 9th. Ladies First! also marks the

ottawa, albums, 2015, best of, top,

Top Local Albums of 2015

Alas, the year has come to an end. It’s hard to believe another 365 days have passed and that we’re

Holiday Hideout w/ Spell, Shoe Blog, & more @ K Hole

I saw a lot of smiles plastered on people’s faces as I walked into the K-Hole for the Holiday Hideout

Amos the Transparent, zaphods

Review: Amos the Transparent Holiday Show @ Zaphod’s

It began as any stress-filled night of a student in finals week, in an exam room. As I anxiously scratched

Because it’s 2015: The People of Ottawa Music

The end of the year is the perfect time to sit back and reflect. A time to think about some of

Moonfruits, debut

New Music: Moonfruits – Début

Moonfruits are quickly finding a place among Ottawa’s standout performers. The married couple, Alex Millaire and Kaitlin Milroy,  have thrown