Live Music Reviews

Ashleys, Deleted Scenes & Grounders @ Café Dekcuf

When bands play Ottawa for their first time above Mavericks‘s folk metal night, they assume Ottawa is mostly comprised of

Yamantaka // Sonic Titan, The Yips and Blue Agnel @ Babylon

You don’t just listen to Yamantaka // Sonic Titan, you are immersed in the theatrics and the epicness of the

Veara, July, Neighbours, Chris Benton and Monsun @ Luneta

Veara, July and a bunch of locals injected the Luneta Cafe with a steady dose of pop-punk Wednesday night. Hailing

Last Call: Vieux Loup at The Manx

What better way to start off the last week of October than with smooth jams on a cold, brisk night

The Front Bottoms and The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die at Babylon

The Front Bottoms had me singing along, dancing, laughing and thinking during their great set Tuesday night at Babylon Nightclub.

Peach Kelli Pop and New Swears @ Pressed

Pressed was packed to the brim Tuesday night, Oct. 15th, for Peach Kelli Pop and New Swears.   With very

DIANA, Silkken Laumann and Black Usher @ Mavericks

New Wave is coming back and these Canadian groups are doing one hell of a job it. Headlining the night

Vertigo’s 10th Anniversary with punk legends SNFU

How do you celebrate your 10th birthday when you are one of the coolest record shops in town? You have

Beau’s Oktoberfest 2013: lederhosens, craft brews and rocking tunes

Funny hat, check. Free Pretzel token, check. Beer tokens, check. Bus ride up to Vankleek Hill for Beau’s Oktoberfest, check. Let

Pony Girl, ottawa, petit mort gallery, pop drone

Release the Album! Pony Girl’s Party @ La Petite Mort Gallery

There are musicians and there are musicians. It seems like the best kinds gravitate towards each other, like negative ions