Morning Metal “Artist of the Month” of July, Sovereign Council

Morning Metal’s “Artist of the Month” of July
Sovereign Council
Morning Metal’s “Artist of the Month” for June is Kingston symphonic metal band, Sovereign Council. Well known in the CKCU community, having performed on Ottawa Live Music and the Ottawa scene performing with the likes of Valfreya and Endemise.
Sovereign Council released New Reign in the middle of 2013 and have continuously brought their unique combination of chaotic performances and riffing headbangers “Down The Rabbit Hole” and “Bring It Down”, they have made a very positive impact on the Canadian metal scene.
Currently working on new material for 2014, you can pick up a copy of New Reign at Compact Music in downtown Ottawa, Perth at Shadowfax, Kingston at Limestone Music, Renaissance Music and Centre Stage or on Paypal by private messaging the band through their official Facebook page.
Check out our interview with the whole band from a few weeks back below. You can also stream the album on Reverbnation below.
Interview –
“New Reign” –
Like and follow them on Facebook –
CKCU 93.1 FM LIVE performance –

James Rockso – Host of CKCU 93.1 FM’s “Morning Metal” & Engineer at “Pebble Studios”.
Interested in an interview or a review, send me a message from the link above!
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Morning Metal 2014.